I went to see Kaki King last night at Club Downunder last night. I got there about 11:00 and she had already started. I have this love/hate relationship with Club Downunder, you see, it is a great venue for watching live music, but you have all these scensters that are from FSU that come there because it is free and just go and talk while the show is going on. But it is smoke free, and has an upper level with tables and chairs as well as food/water/beer so it isn't that bad, I just despise inconsiderate people.
Anyways, she (Kaki) played until midnight which was good because I was getting tired and was going to leave at 11:55, but her last song she played on a steel-guitar-type instrument and did, what I call, building a song. She would play some little ditty and loop it, then build on top of it, then do it again. She had a really rockin song by the end of the thing.
I few things I gathered from her banter were:
- She is no longer with Sony/BMG (can't blame her for that)
- She is a strong supporter of gays/lesbians
- She wants to have a child with Morrissey
- She idolized Jennifer Batton
She told a story of Jennifer Batton (guitarist for Michael Jackson) and how she met her a while back and she was a bit overweight, living in Portland, and had a fanny pack on. She said she reminded her of a soccer mom.
She plays mostly acoustic instrumental, but she sang a Smiths tune (Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want). But she is more than just an instrumentalist. Take a listen and hear what I'm talking about.
(Link requires Flash) Kaki King Music
Kaki on NPR
Clip of Kaki on Conan